Awesome Stuff About My Book(s)

 Hellooo to you guys who clicked on this page! *hands out cake and cookies*

SO! Welcome to this wonderful corner of the blog where I’ll be keeping you guys updated and on top of the book(s) that I’m writing currently! 

FYI this page will be updated hopefully *coughs* consistently throughout the months, so make sure to check back ever so often!MaryScreen Shot 2019-02-10 at 2.39.03 PM

Copyright © Wild Writing Dreams 2018-2021Please do not replicate any of the images, written content, ideas, or words on this site without written permission from the author.

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*Note: Everything here on this page possibly will be changed, it’s not totally set to be what it is. Still, I ask that you do not replicate anything on this page, or steal any drawings.

Name: Threads of Time

What Stage I’m At: 

Guys. I-I finished. Well, no, not the book, don’t get your hopes up. But I finished the world’s most messiest, plot-holed filled, foreshadowing-does-not-exist-but-desperately-needs-to outline you can think of. So, yes, I am still in my plotting stage.

But, guys.

I’ve got the skeleton done.

That’s more than I’ve ever had in years.

Word Count:

Zero words. (Not included on paper. I am NOT counting every word…that’d be a nightmare.)

Character Descriptions

*GUYS! You can now see epic boards created specifically for each character on my Pinterest! Check it out!

Will (Protagonist)

Eye color: Warm chocolate-brown with dark flecks

Skin color: Normal

Hairstyle: Tousled in a good-looking way

Hair color: Dark brown

Age: 15


Clothing: Just kind of imagine it like the picture Sarah drew for me hehe 

Sword: Fancy rapier

Anya (Main Minor Character) (Dunno if that’s a real thing or not…)

Eye color: Huge mesmerizing gray-blue color.

Skin color: Normal

Hairstyle: Down or high-ponytail

Hair color: Light strawberry blond 

Age: 14

Personality: TBD 

Clothing: TBD

Tom (Main Minor Character) (Using it anyway! *evil laughs*)

Eye color: Mesmerizing ice blue

Skin color: Normal

Hairstyle: Tousled on purpose in a cute way.

Hair color: Sandy-brown

Age: 14-15

Personality: TBD (Jokester and movie star looking one of the group)

Faith (Minor Character)

Eye color: Piercing ice-blue eyes

Skin color: Pale, in a pretty way

Hairstyle: Intricate hairstyles

Hair color: Platinum-blonde (natural, not dyed)

Age: 13-14

Personality: TBD 

Clothing: TBD (Fancy)

Emma (Minor Character)

Eye color: Deep blue

Skin color: Normal

Hairstyle: Half up half down 

Hair color: Red (natural, not dyed)

Age: 15-16 

Personality: TBD 

Clothing: TBD

Race: Elf 

Ricky (Minor, Minor Character)

Old insane character with a mysterious past.

He’s a super super short guy, so the group ends up nicknaming him ‘Shorty’.

Hilda (Antagonist)

Eye color: So brown it’s almost black

Skin color: Normal

Hairstyle: Down (TBD)

Hair color: Dark brown

Age: 14-15

Personality: TBD

Clothing: TBD (but there will most likely be a cloak thrown in there)

Collage of Powers:

(Top left, down, then across:) Earth, Fire, Time, Water

More to come soon!

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If you guys want to know more about anything of my book, just tell me in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!


21 thoughts on “Awesome Stuff About My Book(s)”

    1. Yayyy!! Thank you so much for telling me this! I will be updating this page very soon 😁 *runs away to grab very long character descriptions*


      1. Alright! One of my descriptions is up! I’ll be releasing them one at a time 😉 Thank you for wanting to know more about them!!


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