
How to Write Realistic Extrovert Characters in Just 7 Steps (Collaboration!)

Ever wondered how to write the differences between an extrovert and introvert character? Today, me and my sister Julia from Julia’s Creative Corner are bringing to you 7 tips on writing realistic extrovert and introvert characters!

***DISCLAIMER, this post isn’t in any way saying that introverts don’t do any of this. I’m simply talking about how extroverts might generally act. If you want to learn more about introverts, though make sure to hop right over to Julia’s post!Screen Shot 2019-02-10 at 2.39.03 PM

1. Extroverts Gain Energy From Talking to Other People

The definition of being an extrovert is that you like being around people for long periods of time. That’s the base layer of all an extrovert really is!

Now, when I say ‘gain energy from people’ from the title above, I don’t mean sucking out their souls and using up their life-force to continue your day.

*grins pleasantly at you*


NOPE! What I mean is that when your extrovert character is around other characters, he’s going to feel relaxed and happy, and pretty soon he’ll be pumped up and having an awesome time!


  • Takeaway: When your extrovert character meets up with your other characters, make him bubbly and full of energy!

2. Extrovert Characters Are Good At Being The Center of Attention

One of the reasons why extroverts like to spend time around others is because it gives them a chance to talk.

If you have extrovert characters in a room with introvert characters, the extrovert characters are probably going to be the ones to dominate the conversations. Which means that the majority of your dialogue will come from them.

In fact, you might even say they ‘like’ being the center of attention. Sometimes, yeah, that’s true. But the main reason is that they’re good at it.

A lot of extroverts are completely fine with leading people (especially teams), being the first or the only one to do something, using our voice and speaking up, and having everyone listen to us. That’s not because we’re vying for attention. It’s because that’s what we’re good at doing as extroverts!

  • Takeaway: Your extrovert characters will dominate a majority of dialogue (unless your protagonist is an introvert, then they should have the most dialogue), be the leaders of any groups/teams you have, the first to speak up, and the ones to strike up the most conversations.

3. ‘Extrovert’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Popular’

Something that used to confuse me was the difference between being an extrovert and being popular. If you talk so much, doesn’t that mean everyone knows you, and if everyone knows you doesn’t that mean you’re popular?

True, that’s how popularity usually works. But just because you talk to people doesn’t suddenly make every extrovert in the world a popular person.

Here’s the difference between the two:

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  • The word ‘extrovert’ is a description of personality.
  • The word ‘popular’ is a description of how well known you are.

True, extroverts tend to be popular, but don’t expect every extrovert to be the most well-liked person in the world. Just ’cause you talk a lot doesn’t make you suddenly likeable. 

  • Takeaway: If you have a popular character, he/she is most likely an extrovert. But you can have other, non-popular characters who are extroverts, and that’s completely fine!

4. Extroverts Try Something NEW

Extroverts love to be full of energy, and are usually ready and raring to go do something new and exciting!

Generally you can find extroverts more ready than introverts to hop into something that they’ve never done before, adventurous or weird, or something that’s possibly risky (ex: trying a new food fills up all of those categories!)

Put extroverts into a group friends and have them try something new and exciting, and BAM you have a high-energy group willing to fly to the moon!


^extroverts becoming way too adventurous
  • Takeaway: Your extrovert characters are going to say: “Sounds like a party!” to blowing up a building full of evil people rather than: “NO, it’s too dangerous!” because obviously that’s a normal conversation of trying new things…

5. Extroverts Are Cheerleaders, Laughers, and Positive…ers…

Seeing as talking comes fairly easy to them, extroverts dish out compliments without a thought, give out high-fives, and just generally be cheerleaders to others!

People are attracted to positivity, so generally extroverts get to talk to lots of people because generally they’re positive people. 

Not only that, but extroverts make others feel comfortable. They dislike fighting, awkward silences, and angry/sad/negative people (then again, who doesn’t?).

So, what do they do? They stop the fighting with a joke, fill the silence with their voice, and brighten up moods with their own.

  • Takeaway: Why do characters like talking to your extrovert character(s)? Because they’re hilarious, because they’re kind, because they make everyone else comfortable by just being them? 

6. Extroverts Escape Emotions

^that was me trying to make an alliteration but failing miserably but for some reason I’m still keeping it?

Extroverts are usually enthusiastic people who are able to stay that way. 

If your extrovert character pops into a room where a few characters are arguing, they will generally:

  1. Stop the fight
  2. Lighten or completely change the mood (in positive ways, I should hope)
  3. And walk away without their own mood changing

Maybe it’s something to do with positive wavelengths coming off of extroverts, but a lot of the time when people are upset or angry it won’t actually effect us (unless we let it, or it has a big impact on us in some way).

Extroverts are obviously still human, of course. They can’t stay positive forever. Sometimes after going a LOT of days without seeing anyone other than their family, they just get so drained they start to get grumpy. And that’s kind of when they start fights themselves.


BUT! If they’re feeling bouncy and happy, they’re the best sort of people to stop things from getting worse. 

  • Takeaway: If a few characters are having an argument, have your energetic extrovert break it up with a joke or a distraction. On the flip-side, if that extrovert character gets mad and starts a fight, it’s going to be big.

7. Extroverts Use Open Body Language

Something really effective in a conversation is using good body language

‘Body language’ is the vibe/emotions your body gives off just by the actions you make with your body.

  • Ex: crossing your arms gives off the vibe to others that you’re closing yourself off and do not want to be talked to. You don’t actually have to know all about body language to figure this out-your brain (and da vibes)-subconsciously lets you know.

Something really good extroverts use is open body language. We display our hands, we make eye contact, and we smile. 

Closed body language is the opposite: shoving our hands into our pockets, looking at the ground, and frowning.

Just by reading that, I think you can feel the difference between the vibes that would give off.

Not every extrovert knows how to use good body language. Not many people really know about it. But the reason why I’m telling this to you is so that you can use open body language when describing an extroverts actions.

While your extrovert is talking, have them bounce on their toes. While a different character is talking, mention how the extrovert character makes direct eye-contact and holds it (but not in a creepy way, please *coughs*). Slip in just these little details to make them feel more real.

  • Takeaway: During or not during dialogue, feel free to slip in a word or two about what the extrovert is doing with their body. Slip in what their doing with their face/eyes, hands/arms, and legs. 

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Not every extrovert in this world is a positive energetic person. You can be someone who enjoys talking to others and be an evil villain inside.


Okay so that escalated quickly?  

ANYWAY, in general, I find a lot of extroverts tend to be really awesome, carefree people who love, love, love to talk to others!

Follow all the tips in this post, and your extrovert characters will never feel more realistic!

And if you wanna write introvert characters, make sure you check out Julia’s post!

Have you ever struggled with writing extroverts or introvert characters?

Did these tips help you?

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I hope you enjoyed this post! If you have any questions or thoughts, leave a comment down below.

Thanks for reading!


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How to Write Realistic Extrovert Characters in Just 7 Steps-2

16 thoughts on “How to Write Realistic Extrovert Characters in Just 7 Steps (Collaboration!)”

    1. Thank you so much, Jasmin! Ooh yes, I know right? I was really surprised when I figured that out!
      I’m a total extrovert! 😝 Ooh, that awesome! I should totally do a post on writing ambivert characters now 😆

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh man yess they can be hard. That’s cool!! I’m actually an extrovert so I felt that maybe this made me a bit wise in the area of how to write them?? But it’s still hard 😂
      P.S. lol! Thank you, thank you *bows*

      Liked by 1 person

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